Case Studies
Beaverbrooks enhance in-store experience
Business Challenge
UK jewellery retailer Beaverbrooks has worked with VCG for the past 18 years and continues to see significant business benefits as a result. Customer service, stocktaking and access to data have all improved throughout the partnership.
Beaverbrooks and VCG continue to upgrade and invest in the retailer’s network, which includes the addition of 3/4G as back up, upgrading stores with higher bandwidth connections along with a router hardware refresh and wireless access points across 73 stores.
This technology has also made the sales process more personal, enabling store staff to complete a transaction with the customer instead of having to guide them to another part of the store.

Beaverbrooks selected VCG for IP telephony, to underline its commitment to offer customers the highest possible level of service. When customers call in, they are directed to the right place and calls are managed more efficiently.
The system links Beaverbrooks’ area, display, and training managers to get better access to head office systems when in store. Easy connectivity to wireless in-store networks, gives full and quick access to all IT systems.
Hand held, point of sale (PoS) terminals have also been introduced to the main PoS using Vodat’s wireless network. The retailer relies on ‘real time’ connectivity to head office and credit card acquirer, which VCG’s 3/4G system enables.
The new system is already enabling our Area, Display, and Training managers to get better access to our Head Office systems when in-store. They can now easily connect to our wireless network giving them full and quick access to all our systems.

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