Business Continuity

Keeping you connected, protected and ready for growth.

Business Continuity

Keeping you connected, protected and ready for growth.
What is business continuity?

Business continuity is all about being prepared for disaster to strike. Floods, fire, cyber-attacks and connection failures can happen at any time, and it’s vital for businesses to have systems in place to minimise the disruption in the event the worst does happen.

One of the biggest challenges in creating a business continuity plan is in determining exactly where the potential vulnerabilities lie and determining what impact that loss might have on your ability to do business.

Solving together
  • Reviewing the IT estate and its critical components
  • Network and datacentre resilience
  • Data management and backup planning
  • IT and technology risk assessments
  • Transformational initiatives
Review your business continuity plan
Free consultation
Keeping your business running and ready for growth

Here at VCG, we deliver end-to-end services to help keep your business connected and ready for anything. Learn more about how we can support your business with:

  • IT roadmap assessments
  • Backup and security options, both hosted and managed
  • Dedicated connectivity provisioning team to keep your network updated and secure, 24/7
  • Flexible solutions for on-premise, cloud and hybrid models
  • Fully managed services to free up in-house resources
  • Resilient, secure connectivity with 100% uptime
  • Threat monitoring and alerts, around the clock
  • Scalable, intelligent automation
  • Cost-effective solutions for compute, storage and backup


Business continuity ensured by cyber security
  • Featured case study
    Birmingham Chambers of Commerce Network and Collaboration refresh
    VCG’s approach to doing business with potential clients is exceptional. They invest significant time and resource during the tendering process to understand your business requirements before applying their expertise and experience in offering an optimal solution
  • Featured case study
    Kwik Fit
    “VCG is a trusted provider with a great reputation for technical expertise and service delivery. The team is adaptable, very easy to work with and have quickly become a valued partner. The reporting has been strong. When an issue happens, getting people together to resolve it has been quick and effective. The partnership has made a positive impact on our business operations.”
  • Featured case study
    Page Group
    VCG have transformed our guest and user experience. It’s an un-written rule that users expect fast and reliable internet access, and now we deliver on that expectation. Operating from the cloud means we can manage all EU sites centrally, and protect our investment with integration of new sites in the future.
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