IT Cost Optimisation

Driving growth and maximising efficiencies

IT Cost Optimisation

Driving growth and maximising efficiencies
Investing, managing and tracking IT spend

The proliferation of digital technologies and devices means customer needs and expectations are evolving faster than at any other time in history, and businesses must strive to deliver on every front, at all times

From the ease of navigating of your website to the availability of your customer services and the way your products are delivered, every customer-facing element of your business needs to be working to deliver a consistently positive CX.

  • Organizations are allocating 64 percent of IT spend to running the business and 36 percent to growth and innovation
  • 26 percent of IT spend is controlled by business units, the same as in 2020
  • The pandemic has increased public cloud and SaaS spend for half of organisations
Tackling continuous IT change
Free consultation
  • Featured case study
    A bespoke SD WAN store model, designed by VCG, is enabling the swift and cost-effective launch of 60 new stores across Poland. Here’s how that partnership came about.
  • Featured case study
    Kwik Fit
    “VCG is a trusted provider with a great reputation for technical expertise and service delivery. The team is adaptable, very easy to work with and have quickly become a valued partner. The reporting has been strong. When an issue happens, getting people together to resolve it has been quick and effective. The partnership has made a positive impact on our business operations.”
  • Featured case study
    Page Group
    VCG have transformed our guest and user experience. It’s an un-written rule that users expect fast and reliable internet access, and now we deliver on that expectation. Operating from the cloud means we can manage all EU sites centrally, and protect our investment with integration of new sites in the future.
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