


Successfully transforming businesses across a wide range of sectors



The modern classroom experience is no longer ‘chalk and talk’. The best educational outcomes are now achieved using market-leading digital connectivity to deliver blended and hybrid learning using safe access to online resources and interaction. Educational institutions also need to store and process student data, confident that it is being held securely. VCG has the breadth of expertise to deliver this and more, ensuring your classroom can safely enter the 21st Century.


Logistics and supply chain


Financial Services

FinTech is going mainstream. Financial institutions are increasingly harnessing the power of digital transformation to deliver faster, more cost-effective operations, meet regulatory deadlines, improve customer and employee experience and remain competitive.

If you need the processing power to harness machine learning or the network connectivity to support self-service apps (to name but a few) contact our teams.


Hospitality & Leisure

Hospitality and leisure are increasingly becoming data-driven industries. Whether that’s personalised guest experiences, clientelling, mobile points of sale, guest Wi-Fi, app ordering or data analytics, VCG has it covered.
We have the expertise to deliver market-leading digital infrastructure, connectivity and unified communications to ensure your networks are customer-focused and highly cost-effective.



Manufacturing is in the throes of the fourth industrial revolution, with data, connectivity and unified communications the new forces driving change. Whether your production lines harness Internet of Things connectivity or you wish to digitise your supply chains and warehouse management systems, VCG has the experience and expertise needed for success.


Public Sector

Public services are under unprecedented pressure, with a growing emphasis placed on achieving ‘more with less’. As a result, public sector organisations are turning to managed ICT services to leverage economies of scale and better manage their budgets. Forward-thinking organisations are also investing in smart automation to achieve significant cost savings.



As retail becomes increasing omnichannel, shoppers expect the same frictionless and personalised digital experiences in store as they enjoy online. The solutions offered by VCG will help you unify your channels, get closer to your customers, and satisfy their demands in a cost-effective and sustainable way.

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