Small business e-guide on cyber security
Protect your people, data and devices
‘UK small businesses targeted with 65,000 attempted cyber attacks per day’.
This makes organisations more vulnerable every single day, with security risks that can mean data loss, PR embarrassment and high remediation costs that come with associated breaches. Having a company policy for cyber security implementation should be best practice so that employees know what constitutes good and bad use of systems and software, potentially leaving the organisation open to risk.
At VCG we think small businesses need simplicity and scalability of technology, but first and foremost, a better way to know where to invest the most when keeping business safe, secure and operational.
To find out how small businesses deal with IT challenges and what matters most in securing data, devices and applications, download our e-guide.
For an end-to-end assessment of your cybersecurity needs, you can also request a free cyber security assessment.
Don’t fancy filling out a form?
Email us on sales@vcg.group or call 0161 406 1820 to speak with our team.