Your digital network
starts here

Your digital network
starts here

Access a secure and intelligent network that can flex, innovate and scale with your business
Accelerated Cloud

In today’s digital landscape with more devices, mobility and cloud based services we help customers build and manage networks for increased visibility, secure access and efficiency.

We use software defined networking across your wired and wireless networks and cloud devices to build solutions that are fit for purpose, no matter what your vision is for your business.

Our networks provide increased capacity, are flexible, secure, software-driven and automated and bring simplified cloud management to your list of capabilities.


The benefits of VCG Networks
  • 24×7 Network as a Service: Our Network Operations Centre keeps your infrastructure connected, healthy and secure
  • Reduce overheads: Flexible and scalable OPEX pricing models and licensing
  • Built for multicloud: Consistent and secure application delivery to optimse the user experience
  • Security: Get complete visibility into user activity, devices and traffic to enforce zero-trust security
  • Management efficiency: Centralised designs and management for maximum control and visibility
Get more enterprise networking options to suit your business needs
Free consultation
Business impact
A Software defined network

Networking now requires a software-delivered approach to automating, assuring, and securing services across your network. The rapid growth in data use and increasing number of devices and mobile users require a network that can scale yet remain secure. Artificial intelligence and machine learning can help you analyse data and deliver insights.

Our software defined network gives you a software-delivered foundation that supports your needs in all network domains: campus, branch, WAN, data center, and hybrid clouds, helping you to quickly deliver network services that support your new business initiatives.

A mobile user processing data with a secure network that can scale anytime
  • Featured case study
    Birmingham Chambers of Commerce Network and Collaboration refresh
    VCG’s approach to doing business with potential clients is exceptional. They invest significant time and resource during the tendering process to understand your business requirements before applying their expertise and experience in offering an optimal solution
  • Featured case study
    A bespoke SD WAN store model, designed by VCG, is enabling the swift and cost-effective launch of 60 new stores across Poland. Here’s how that partnership came about.
  • Featured case study
    Kwik Fit
    “VCG is a trusted provider with a great reputation for technical expertise and service delivery. The team is adaptable, very easy to work with and have quickly become a valued partner. The reporting has been strong. When an issue happens, getting people together to resolve it has been quick and effective. The partnership has made a positive impact on our business operations.”
  • Featured case study
    Page Group
    VCG have transformed our guest and user experience. It’s an un-written rule that users expect fast and reliable internet access, and now we deliver on that expectation. Operating from the cloud means we can manage all EU sites centrally, and protect our investment with integration of new sites in the future.
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